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Old 12-15-2015, 08:44 PM
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TomB'sox TomB'sox is offline
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Originally Posted by Bruce Sexauer View Post
I am actually quite naive re marketing. I continue to be of the opinion that marketing is much of what is wrong with the world, and that if I simply build a "better" product the world will beat a path to my door. I say "better" because my better may not be your better, but as a contemporary person I would think it often is. This guitar is the absolute best I can do at the peak of a long career. For someone who values character, craftsmanship, and performance over bling, bells, and whistles, this guitar will be hard to beat.

Not "mahogany" but actual Honduras Mahogany:
Sorry Bruce, I was just trying to be funny, saying this is your "worst" P, the worst of the 5 sets of white spruce you had along with a cosmetically flawed back....I know that this guitar will be fantastic despite all that, I just found it funny in how you described this particular one...

No offense was intended, again, it was apparently, a poor attempt at some humor.
PS. I love guitars!