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Old 01-19-2020, 08:43 PM
RyanRC RyanRC is offline
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Posts: 25

Thanks replies guys, I guess for one thing is as I am so new to the program and also will say not very knowledgeable at all for all the correct terminology and other things regarding the writing of music I just worried that I might be asking too many questions and also in annoying ways as I don’t know so much.

At any rate, currently I am just starting out to learn guitar and am looking to use GP to rewrite out some of the lessons in the starter book I got as there are some ways it is written I would like to change to make things on the one hand easier for me to read, but also more focused on what I want to learn at least for the moment.

So for a lot of what I am trying to do I have figured out, but for one thing I can’t is that as typical each lesson is only a couple of lines and then has the notation of a complete end which I see as a vertical line and then a thick one after it, but while GP continually does this as you would expect in like how it would for a whole song, what I want to do is have it end like that at the end of each lesson of a few lines, and then start a new one on the same page.

If perhaps if its easier to understand what I mean, I have attached a pic to show the best I have been able to come up with.

So if you look at the pic, basically I want to place a complete ending like at the end of bar 16, at the end of bar 8, and in place of the not complete end that is there. Then have a whole new section start for Lesson B.

For a second question, as you can see in the pic I have put the bar notes letter designation above it for each one, but this did take a lot of time as I had to treat each one as a Free Text and put one in at a time and placed in just the right spot.

So is there anyway to have it done like that automatically on its own every time I put a note in a bar?

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