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Old 12-02-2017, 11:17 AM
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Doug Young Doug Young is offline
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Originally Posted by varmonter View Post
For those that have used this . Has anyone experimented
Much with mic placement. As in distance away
From the guitar. Just curious if that "air" transfers
To the wavemap.
I've tried lots of different mics and lots of mic placement. Both make a difference, but it tends to be fairly subtle to my ear, and I have not found any predictable formula. I train, and if I don't like the results, I move the mic and try again. It doesn't seem very picky, tho. The ToneDexter guys have recommendations on where to put the mic and that seems to work well.

I think in general, a lot of subtleties like a little extra "air" tend to get lost once you're playing at volume in a live setting, or in some cases can actually be detrimental. You already have "air" in the room, so having some coming out of the speaker isn't always a good thing. But getting rid of that piezo sound, which TD does so well, is very helpful.