Thread: Changing chords
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Old 09-25-2009, 03:49 PM
Hankak Hankak is offline
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Posts: 154

Before making the change visualize the finger pattern as a group and try to recall the pattern required in the change. Changing from G using the middle, ring and pinky is a matter of sliding over dropping the pinky and adding the index. Try to get in the habit of making sure you get the root first as that's the first string you'll be strumming and if you get screwed up like I did you'll lose a precious few milliseconds.
Practice a 5 or so minutes 5 to 10 times over a whole day is better than an hour once a day.
The metronome could be a distraction and interfere with getting the changes done. Once you get good at changing then add the metro and you may not need it because you tap your foot.
Good luck
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