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Old 04-15-2021, 03:42 PM
Rudy4 Rudy4 is offline
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Not to say I would embrace auto-tune, but what exactly does anyone think frets are?

I'm sure there were musicians who played traditional fretless instruments that would have reacted the same way when observing someone playing a fretted instrument.

"We didn't need anything to help us with musical intervals for a million years, why on earth do we need frets now? It must be a lack of talent that someone uses them."

There's a lot of "You kids get off my lawn" going on here. I don't see much difference between a musician using a device to create live harmony and a musician who records his work and markets it, or taking "recording" a step further, incorporates live "recording" (looping) into their performance.

All of this is simply the choice of the performer and anyone has a choice to listen or not as they choose.

Anyone who watches Ed Sheeran do a live looping performance in front of 100,000 adoring fans at Glastonbury realizes these devices are simply tools and don't have anything to do with talent vs lack thereof.
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