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Old 05-19-2017, 04:33 PM
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Originally Posted by KevWind View Post
Yes, "The market is lacking the "Perfect Solo Act Setup" if it weren't there would be one manufacture with one model
Yes! Exactly!

There should be one company that makes one product that is the go-to standard for touring performers who play the guitar and sing! Not a ton of companies that make a ton of products that come sort of close but are always missing the mark!

It seems like there is a whole in the market right now.

Originally Posted by fitness1 View Post
I feel like there are more options than ever, and if you can get your mind around having a small unpowered mixer and a quality powered speaker (a pair if you really need the extra coverage) you can do very well for very little money.
This is basically what I'm doing. Despite what it might sound like in this thread, I'm quite happy with my set up. I have two JBL Eon Ones, a QSC TouchMix8 and a TC Helicon VoiceSolo 150 FX. I can go into the TouchMix and out to one or two Eon Ones as needed and I then use the VoiceSolo as my monitor. Or I could skip the mixer and go into the VoiceSolo and then out to an Eon One (or two if I put a GoRack in there.)

I would gladly trade in the VoiceSolo for what I've been describing: something a little bit bigger that sounds better and could fill a small venue on its own. But that something would have to do what the VoiceSolo can do: be mounted on a stand and tilt at a couple different angles to be a good monitor. Oddly, nothing like that seems to exist!


Last edited by open-road-matt; 05-19-2017 at 04:50 PM.
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