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Old 05-09-2019, 08:48 AM
beninma beninma is offline
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You don't necessarily need or want any fancy boutique picks but the idea is to be open minded about trying stuff.

To just try out the first pick you get without putting thought into it and continue to play that for years and years as you spend lots of money is kind of nuts. I got told to play Tortex Yellow "just cause" when I got my first guitar.. that's a pretty terrible pick for me it turned out. It took me a while to realize it. I have fairly bright guitars, so the Tortex yellow just sounded pretty brittle and scratchy. They wear out fast, and they are really slippery on my particular skin chemistry.

Picks really really change the sound of guitars.. sometimes for acoustics I feel like the picks can make a bigger difference than different guitars.

I have hundreds of cheap picks and a handful of expensive ones.. in the end I don't know if I will be stuck on expensive ones, but it was important to try them. All the expensive ones I bought are a fraction the cost of another guitar. Maybe about as much as a single effect pedal.

No two players are going to necessarily prefer the same thing and you're not necessarily going to prefer the same thing on all or most of your guitars.
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