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Old 03-30-2020, 08:29 AM
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Mary Mary is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: North Central Ohio
Posts: 9,492

Mary has been thinking which certainly should concern y'all. Imagine that. Mary thinks.

Soooooo ...let's talk a moment here.

With this being our McJam "#13" what would everyone have expected to happen to make it a unique "#13" kind of event. I have the feeling COVID desired to be recognized as the party pooper so it reared its ugliness to be known in a McJam. This is one year we will all remember. Some businesses won't acknowledge the number thirteen. I don't want to go that route.

At this point all our McJammers who have been in contact with us seem to be in pretty good health, at least concerning this subject. However, because the President of the United States of America is the Commander and Chief to over rule any event I can muster up that could be detrimental to the McJammers, the people we love to make a joyful noise with, has a little say over our annual event. Tim and I have talked and he agrees with my co-coordinator, Rodger, and me that the McJam date needs a second thought. Rodger suggested we wait until September which certainly will be more realistic to fight the virus. I am announcing there is no set McJam #13 date as of now. We will be better able to make a more definitive plan AFTER we have a national lift. It is at that time I'll seek dates that agree with the majority of you. Of course, if any of you feel at any time you wanna have a McGit date here with Tim let me know and I will help set the schedule. We have been self quarantined because this is rural Ohio. If you have ever been here you know it is no different than the busiest day of the year. The McJam IS the traffic jam.

By the way, if you did not yet know this is Dennis's (Cigarfan) McJam to pick up his brand spankin' new sparkly McGit. It's pretty. You can see his thread which is loaded with pictures here:

It has a sister guitar being built with it.

The first weekend of September will probably be pretty busy for me unless .... I can convince Jeremy and Adrianne to let us make an aisle, have Bruce play wedding music, Kathy video the event, toss guitar picks instead of bird seed and I can have a bride and groom on the dessert table. Makes sense to me! Look at it this way we would all be dressed in the typical McJam uniform so in a weird way we would all be a part of their event! Then we can call it a day. She owns a local church that is being made into living space. We could slip this event there for an hour and TA-DAH ... what's the problem? Seriously, for 12 years I have teased about someone having a wedding in the McJam. Why can't this couple just let me arrange this plan and they would appreciate the energy McJammers share until death do they part?

.... oh, never mind. Anyhow ... I will take date suggestions here and I hope you all know we delay this only because we care.
... make a joyful noise ...


I'll continue "Doin' Life ... As a Luthier's Wife"
McJam = Guitar private event June 21-22, 2024
[email protected]
Pre-sign is required and begins now.
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