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Old 01-11-2019, 05:51 PM
Paddy1951 Paddy1951 is offline
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That you took on learning something new and at times, difficult, speaks well of you. Don't give up. Go after this in small pieces. Don't be hard on yourself.

I don't know exactly what your instructor is saying with regard to learning chords.

I do know that learning will come in fits and starts. You will have victories, large and small. You will have days where you become frustrated. When that happens, back off a bit. Relax. Come back to it tomorrow. Often, your subconscience can often keep working on things and allow things to be better tomorrow.

Having taught many adults, one thing I will tell you is that as an adult, you carry baggage and expectations because you are an adult. Sometimes, those expectations can undermine your efforts. So, be a kid again with this.
Be proud of yourself for being brave enough to try this new thing.

There are many AGF members that have been were you are. We all have hit potholes in the road.
There is a lot of support here. Use it. Ask for help when you need it.

At this point in your life, learning should be about fun. Don't let it not be.

All the best to you friend. Keep going.
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