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Old 12-13-2016, 11:45 PM
Clallam Clallam is offline
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Originally Posted by WonderMonkey View Post
I will say that the fingering I figured out on my own matches what most people show. There is value to figuring it out on your own and also there is value to being shown and to lessen frustration when most people are somewhat beginners on this topic.
Beginner? Yep, that's me. I'm also teaching myself using books and online resources since I live in a small, isolated community so I don't have an instructor to ask.

In my case, the frustration is more due to not getting the "Why?" It's not my preferred learning mode but if I must I can watch any of dozens of videos online and get which fingers go where. I'm more interested in guidelines I can use to figure out the next one and the ones after that....or alternatively enough examples that I can find the patterns between them.
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