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Old 06-05-2019, 03:57 PM
mot mot is offline
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Originally Posted by raysachs View Post
I would not know what to do with that extra string, but I'm sure you will, so congratulations! In advance. Enjoy the wait. Then enjoy the guitar... One thing at a time.

I have tried a few things. I first was tuning the strings ADADGBE which is great for the D chord and drop D playing in classical pieces. Now days I tend to stick with the BEADGBE tuning and play finger style jazz stuff where I make occasional 2, 3 and sometimes 4 note chords while attempting a melody. Either tuning works, but I find more and more I like the simplicity of only having one contrary string that I have to adjust around as I play up and down the strings in a certain fret area. I might eventually give up and go with a bass tuning of BEADGCF, but I am used to playing the guitar shapes on the higher strings and am not quite ready to give that up.

PS If you don't want to invest in yourself, why should anyone else even bother to try?
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