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Old 04-19-2005, 09:11 PM
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The Rainsong Ws1000s that I have auditioned, probably 3 different guitars over a period of a few months, were quite impressive, better sounding to me than I had expected.

Two words kept coming to my mind as I played them: loud, and harsh. The fact that they project well is probably not debatable, but I'm sure some would not think of them as "harsh." I did.

The neck didn't fit my fingers as comfortably as Taylors, but that's a highly subjective, personal preference thing, too.

If I were considering only the Rainsong Ws1000 and the Taylor 714, which I probably wouldn't do, I'd choose the Taylor, by a wide margin. Unless I had to have a guitar that can withstand the elements the way the Rainsong does, of course.

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