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Old 07-09-2018, 10:26 AM
Jobe Jobe is offline
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Originally Posted by Silurian View Post
"Science does not define the universe around us"

Of course this opens a different can of worms. The role of the observer, collapsing wave functions, etc.

Some would argue that science, ie human beings do indeed define the universe around them.
I am leaning towards this thought. You should take a peek at Tom Campbell's big toe theory. (It's free online). Tom see's this existence as virtual. If you or someone else isn't witnessing what is around you it is not there. If you stumble upon a place in the woods it appears. It's all in the program but it takes you to bring it up. Like a video game where you have three doors as options. If you take the middle door that is all you will experience. But the other two doors are there in the system but not experienced. Fascinating. But if true it shows the power of your thought and action as you experience the world.
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