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Old 03-04-2020, 11:53 AM
mot mot is offline
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I'll look into the V-picks and Blue Chips. I don't know which one I would want, so I guess I have to figure out a way to get a range of picks before choosing the one. Already signed up for the V-pick raffle, but that's probably not going to get me too far.

I'm pretty happy with the D'Andrea picks. They cost around a buck apiece, and I haven't yet seen any wear on the pick I have been using. Of course I am only about 10-15 hours in and flat picking or strumming mostly on flat wound strings. I think I am more likely to lose the pick before it wears out.

Convince me that I should try these higher priced picks. I saw the marketing but am looking for non-company testimonials. Are there others I should try?

PS If you don't want to invest in yourself, why should anyone else even bother to try?
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