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Old 12-17-2019, 09:25 PM
FLRon FLRon is offline
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Managers are evaluated on many specific items, one of which is average time spent waiting in line. When you pull forward as they asked, the timer for your order stops thus positively affecting their “score”. Yes, it sounds ridiculous, but not to the person whose performance review will be negatively impacted by too long time in the line.

I used to work with a guy who had a sure fire way to get fresh French fries from McDonald’s. He would order them with no salt, which meant they had to serve him fries right out of the fryer. They hated this, because he also refused to pull forward. It was a joke to him, but like I stated it wasn’t funny to the manager because it backed the entire line up, adding additional time to each order.
It won’t always be like this.
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