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Old 11-11-2019, 06:37 AM's Avatar is offline
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Originally Posted by CASD57 View Post
Stuff like do you prefer xy or ms or 2ch or even 4ch over the other mic settings,. Maybe distance from singer etc
@ljguitar's setup is a good place to start, and a usable stand that lets you experiment with distances and angles will really make a difference. Take some notes so you can repeat the setup when it works.

4ch will almost certainly introduce more noise and possibly phase issues - i.e., if it's just you, the only thing that the back 2 channels will add is noise and room reflections, though there's always a chance that it might be some ambience you'd want (the roar of the crowd ). But, IME, it's hard to use in all but a few situations, and those will be in good spaces or possibly even outdoors.

MS might work though the difference depends a great deal on how it's mixed and converted to XY, since that's what you have to do to make it listenable. The best answer I can suggest is to try it and compare. It does require post-processing to create a stereo file you could share. And, for me, I've never had a space that made it worth the trouble (and I have a decently treated room at home). However, I would still give it a try just so you understand what it does differently, and whether the mix-down to stereo gives you more control over how much of the edges (i.e., the far LR) are included.

P.S. (Edit) I see the H2n (vs my old H2) allows finer control over the stereo width even in XY mode, assuming I'm parsing the manual correctly. You might try just changing the width settings (since it's obviously using MS mics internally) and even something like a narrow stereo setting with the recorder on its side, e.g., with one side aimed more up and the other down to record more of the vocal in one side and guitar in the other perhaps. Getting the balance between the two is the tricky part on a single mic or single point recording setup, so it might give you some flexibility in mixing, i.e., vs. the typical XY setup that is recording in the horizontal plane.
"I know in the morning that it's gonna be good, when I stick out my elbows and they don't bump wood." - Bill Kirchen

Last edited by; 11-11-2019 at 06:45 AM.
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