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Old 02-12-2019, 06:16 PM
Twelvefret Twelvefret is offline
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Originally Posted by Davis Webb View Post
Depression rates are increasing, especially in young people and seniors. Its also a trend in women and men of working age.

Blue Shield data shows an incidence between 2 and 6 per cent, with Hawaii the lowest and Rhode Island the highest. This is an increase over the past 10 years.

20-30% increases are seen over the past decade, depending on the location. An alarming 33% spike from 2005-2015. Mostly the young.

What is up with this? Is depression simply a response to an increasingly complicated and divided world or a hard economy with little hope? Too much video time? But if its technology, why then are 10-20% of seniors suffering from it, according the WHO?

Maybe it always existed but was unreported. But that seems a dismissive answer, it does not point to causes. Yes, depression can be chemical. But it can also be reactive. If you graduate with $100K in loans and cannot find a job for 2 years that is stable?

Finally, did we, the baby boomers, fail? Did we create a generation of self centered kids who demanded we feed them sushi and we did so they did not tantrum? Did we raise a crop of kids who have no resilience, or did we leave them a world of misery?

Either way, depression is increasing in incidence and I would like us to talk about how we could reduce it and whether its alarming or par for the course with big data collection...

Please don't dis other generations. We were just as inexperienced.

People get depressed for more than one reason. Some have a perception of how life is supposed to be. When it does not happen they are disappointed and get mad/depressed.

The secret is to have no such perceptions and to remembers many have it much worse off than we do.

Love the little ones and teach then gently. Nothing worse than them thinking their elders were old bitter men.
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