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Old 07-15-2019, 03:09 AM
SeamlessJam SeamlessJam is offline
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Posts: 21
Default 12-hole bridge on Ortega

My newish Ortega is the first nylon-string guitar I've owned in some time. The 12-hole took some getting used to. I had some issues with the high E slipping, but I messed around until I could get a knot in the right place. I'm a bit embarrassed to say that at the last string change, I realized that at 3 strings done, I had used the wrong hole! I started at the bass side because I like to have each loop contain the previous string end. Extra work, but no worries.

I have a friend in Texas that can make a set of nylon strings last nearly forever. On his old Takamine camp guitar, he puts on a new string with a normal knot at the tie-block but winds most of the excess up on the capstan of the tuning machine. Then if he notices some play wear, he'll unwind the string, retie the knot a bit upstream, then retune. It's a bit of cheapskate brilliance!
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