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Old 02-21-2018, 06:53 PM
Guest 1511
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by redir View Post

But the real issue here is, do any of your guitars have excessive wear on the cowboy frets? Reason I ask is becasue some people can make frets last for ever while others wear them out in literally months. IF you play with a light touch then you don't need a full fret job, just get those damaged frets replaced and you are back to new again.
Sadly I'm already seeing the beginnings of fret wear on my 00-28 because I bend a lot. I'm seeing it all the way down to the 9th fret. No pits yet, but I see the precursors to it. So yeah, I'm worried about fret wear. The guitar I'm re-fretting is is significantly pitted up at the cowboy frets on the trebles. It's playable, but only after I re-set it up with higher action on the treble strings than I usually prefer. My Martin will need this in two years too I can see.
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