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Old 02-04-2021, 03:23 PM
Eire Eire is offline
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Originally Posted by jjhturbo View Post
In your opinion, what is the change in overall volume from the front? (when having single versus dual sound ports)
You'll find plenty of opinions about sound ports on AGF, if you conduct a search. Some folks are believers; others aren't. Tim has the science (imagine that!) behind it, and while I know psychoacoustics is involved, I tend to believe that the sound port, as well as its position, makes a difference in what you hear, particularly when playing softly.

While there is a bit of increase in volume, the various ports are more about effect. For lack of a better description, no port makes me feel as though the sound is out in front of me and a bit to my right; a 'Todd' port or Luckenbooth makes me feel as though there is sound coming from between my jaw and left shoulder; and the dual port makes me feel as though sound is coming up from either side of my jaw. Again: I find this especially true when playing softly.

You'll find my other McKnight with dual ports as the model for dual ports under the 'options' page on the McKnight site; it was my first build with Tim, and I'm not sure how many others have had dual ports cut into their guitars (if any). I simply find that I prefer the dual port over a single port, regardless of the design (and those designs can be quite aesthetically pleasing).

Once more: You'll hear all sorts of ideas, if you search the site for threads about sound ports. My perspective is just one of many and should be weighed accordingly.
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