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Old 04-28-2024, 12:03 PM
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Originally Posted by rllink View Post
I was thinking about this last night and I have to wonder if the son took the course just so that he had something he could relate to with his dad. So that he could have a better understanding of what his dad is so passionate about. He wants to show his dad that he is interested in him, not necessarily in guitars. He is making an effort to connect with his dad, that should be enough in itself. But now dad wants more and the son doesn't want to go there. Maybe dad should back off and enjoy the fact that his son wants to talk to him at all.
Thanks RL.

This is the greatest summation of the whole thread. I will back off and relish the fact that my son can talk to me about classic rock. I never really considered he may have taken the rock history course to just have something he can talk to me about that we both relate to. (Forehead slapping moment)

And will, as you say, be forever grateful that he talks to me at all. There are no guarantees that will continue.

Thanks again.
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