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Old 04-26-2024, 06:25 PM
gmel555 gmel555 is offline
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Originally Posted by Nickster View Post
Interesting article. Be curious of others opinions.
I also found it interesting as well. The article is certainly about much more than just one guitar (eg, the Inception). As a nearly 200 year old company steeped in tradition that for decades (all of our life spans really) based their branding on that tradition, Martin has a huge challenge in front of them. Chris Martin bringing in an outside CEO was a huge statement recognizing the company will not hold its market position by simply implementing the "tradition card". Most of us on the Forum 50/60/70+ yo's are not the future of Martin. I do think Ripsam is looking through rose colored glasses if he really believes they are currently positioned to be on the leading edge of the curve because -IHMO- they are already behind AND much of the current Martin faithful don't want that change. However, I agree it's a change they need to make if they want to remain one of, if not the biggest acoustic guitar maker. Just one guy's opinion.
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