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Old 04-19-2024, 02:28 AM
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Originally Posted by Doug Young View Post
Yeah, that's an option. In my example of my work with Steve Baughman, he always wanted to capture complete takes. We're talking solo guitar here, and he just seems to feel that there's more cohesion or maybe integrity to the piece if it was all one performance (with a few edits here and there).

I mostly do the same, again, solo fingerstyle guitar, but if needed, breaking it up works. Most easily done if using a click track. I've done this mostly when recording something that I'm not interested in learning as a performance piece, like a tune for a book or article, especially if I'm reading the parts, and the music spans multiple pages. Record page 1, as many takes as needed, then on to page 2, etc.

I don't know about the DAW b1j is using, but Logic also has some cool features for recording in sections, especially if you're doing a sort of pop tune with a typical structure. You can create "Arrangement" markers, like verse, chorus, etc, and then once you've recorded, you can simply drag those around, re-ordering the tune, making copies, etc. So with a typical pop tune, you can just record one verse, one chorus, and a bridge, and then drag the parts around as needed. You can reorder and duplicate either a comp, or the pre-comp'd set of takes and everything goes with it. Not something I use a lot for solo guitar, but handy for more multi-instrument kinds of things. No need to play everything multiple times if you don't want to.
I’m not that guy. My goal with recording is to have a mistake-free but still expressive “document” that bears up under repeated listenings. It’s similar to what I used to do when I had the space for black and white darkroom. Comping is the new burning in.

As for my DAW, I hear that Studio One does everything Pro Tools or Logic can do. I started with it in 2010 when it had a home-hobbyist focus, and just grew up with it through the years. I mainly use the Arranger track for labeling and quick navigating to the verses and choruses. But for the two songs I’ve written, it was a helpful feature to get everything down in order.
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