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Old 03-08-2024, 03:33 PM
Silly Moustache Silly Moustache is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: The Isle of Albion
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Hi, in the "olden days" I'd hear a song, buy the record, put it on the record player, write down the lyrics as best I could then ,, then try to tune my guitar to the record, and work out the chords (I knew that if I could work out the I chord, then I'd know the IV and the V, but anything esle was a mystery not knowing about harmonising the scale back then.

Now , if I hear a song I like , I'll look on Ultimate Guitar, change the key, and cut and paste to a word document. reformat it as I want, and "try" to memorise the lyrics and storyline (I'm very old and have run out of RAM).

Now it is my song and I'll change the key, tempo, maybe a lyric or two. make some notes on the A4 sheet and "Bob is your uncle" ... as they say.

I don't read notation, and never use tab, as I work out my own intro and breaks mostly using the vocal melody.

The most important aspect of the song is the storyline.

Silly Moustache,
Just an old Limey acoustic guitarist, Dobrolist, mandolier and singer.
I'm here to try to help and advise and I offer one to one lessons/meetings/mentoring via Zoom!
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