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Old 02-24-2024, 06:44 AM
Slothead56 Slothead56 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: SE PA
Posts: 2,953

I thought about this long and hard overnight before posting.

I suspect that you, like many here who are retired, have multiple interests and activities and planned accordingly before retirement. (My list was golf, fishing, guitar, songwriting, reading, house chores, etc. in no particular order.)

I was a road warrior. Travelled quite a bit the last 10 or 12 years (excluding being housebound during the pandemic.)

I found after about a year of retirement (it was actually Mrs. Slot who pointed it out) that I missed people contact beyond friends (many of whom were still working) and family. I was resistant at first but ultimately took a small part time position working in a golf pro shop. That lasted about 4 months.

Since then I’ve held a couple of small, seemingly meaningless positions.

I was determined to do things that were far afield from my work in sales and marketing…and it’s been great. I’ve had little responsibility beyond showing up on time. And I’ve learned to check my ego at the door. My latest gig is as a Bailiff in our local courthouse. One week on, one week off. I get up early, actually have to shower and shave and put on a suit! The actual work is simple but what I see everyday is fascinating.

For now, sleep late, eat right, get exercise, stimulate your mind and take care of your inner self. But I’d encourage any recently retired person to not shy away from the idea of doing something part time that may stimulate you.

Most of us are a lot younger than our years. And there’s plenty of runway left.

But, as always, you do you. Congratulations again of reaching this milestone.
Please note: higher than average likelihood that any post by me is going to lean heavily on sarcasm. Just so we’re clear...
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