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Old 02-16-2024, 09:31 AM
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Originally Posted by broy View Post
Hi All,

My son (16 yrs old) just started picking up some of my guitars to see if he can learn to play. He's a lefty - all my guitars are righty.

I asked if he wanted me to get a Lefty Guitar and he said since he's never tried at all - mine as well start w/ the righty and see what happens.

Does anyone have thoughts if he's setting himself up for a harder time of things trying to play a righty guitar?

Worse case, maybe I can string one backwards and have him give it a go before we go buy anything?

Any input is appreciated.

Rgds - Bill
Hi broy…
First a question…if he wants to learn piano, is this question even going to be asked?

I'm a lefty playing conventional guitars (and other instruments). Been playing for over 60 years and taught guitar for 40 years (for $$). Out of hundreds of students, I had two people who played reverse setup instruments (and both were indeed left handed).

That said - I had dozens of left handed students who learned and played conventionally setup guitars. Never became an issue for any of them, and several turned out to be some of my best learners.

My thought as a lefty musician is I play piano conventionally, I played trumpet and other brass for 20 years and all my instruments were conventional (except French Horn where the valves are operated with the left hand). I played accordion, organs, bass guitar etc…all conventionally.

I drive conventional cars…both automatic transmission and stick shift, I operate my mowers, snow blowers, table saw (and other power tools) conventionally too. I type on a conventional keyboard…but on my phone I text using swiping with my left hand.

Yet I operate my cooking utensils (knives, spatulas, whisks, cheese graters etc) with my left hand. I don't think most 'lefties' are totally left oriented.

I use drills with my right hand, and hammer with my left. I employ wrenches with either.

Interestingly my wife (also left handed) is totally left oriented, except she operates a mouse on the computer with her right hand. That's what they taught her at age 40 when they got computers in her offices. She also plays musical instruments conventionally but holds her mic in her left hand. If singing with handheld I hold mine in the right.

All this to say…if he's adapting to the world around him, he'll be fine with a conventional instrument. I recommend learning conventionally because of the variety of higher quality instruments in stock and readily available.


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