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Old 05-05-2022, 07:52 AM
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Originally Posted by alohachris View Post

Sdelsolray will always provide the latest developments. Mahalo Stephen! Wow - dumping PT Standard for Studio One? That is news.

BUT....just seeing Kev's mention of Avid's PTLE here really gives me the willies!!!

Though I am retired, but can't play or wish to record anymore, PTLE angst & AVID memories are still thick as thieves in my aging brain. Sure, Pro Tools 'got there first' to corner the market at a time when DAW's weren't "logical," intuitive or all that. But in their attempts to provide "Light Editions" for those unable to spend $5K on earlier studio or standard PT's, Avid created one of the absolute WORST, LEAST STABLE DAW's & programs in history, IMO.

Sure, PTLE was affordable for hobbyist/ home studio guys, but it was "CRASH CENTRAL!" at a time when Windows & its updates were MOSTLY incompatible with it. That was my & many folks' experiences with that insanely buggy & wasteful program.

But what really made PTLE awful was how the people at AVID treated me (us), calling me a "liar, an incompetent, unhelpable, whiney," etc., providing no assistance that worked. They really showed the true colors of that company. Is it any wonder that their products get more & more expensive & complex ("three-tiers?" C'mon.) So Typical! Just ways to get more money out of us & not give us much with this new edition. I would never work with those AXZH*MES again, even if I had to.

For me ultimately, my AVID PTLE experience was a complete waste of over a year's worth of time, constant crashes & lost projects. It sure made it easy for me to start over with new DAW home recording in 2006 - with Logic Pro (not that great back then either, but stable).

I moved on to try every available DAW online sample & settled on an iMac/Apogee Ensemble/Logic Pro rig that really worked for me. Not one crash EVER!

APPLE even gave me 66 hour-long, in-store Logic Pro training sessions back then, for only $99 bucks extra through their former "One-to-One" program. A winner all around, especially compared to AVID.

So Kev, when you bring up those old PT light editions, tied to AVID's absolutely inferior dongle's? Oh, the Horror! the Horror!

Mahalo for the information guys & topic.
I remember you I discussing your negative PT experience
And I think it a shame you had such a bad experience.
On the other hand I have to say my experience with Pro Tools starting in 2003 was basically the complete diametrically opposed opposite.

I am wondering if I am understanding you that you initially started using PT on a Windows system ?

With the caveat that the Post engineer that I did my very first studio recordings with in 2002 (who was using the PT HD TDM system) and his advise was switch to a Mac computer (because if my memory serves I think you are quite correct PT users on Windows had numerous stability issues for a number of years ...Where many if not most Users on Mac systems experienced one of the most stable DAW platforms of that time frame .

Because :::

For me starting out Pro Tools was insanely stable and completely intuitive and was in fact literally a plug and play system,,, that involved simply Downloading PT LE , Installing (to my Apple G4) laptop--- Launching Pro Tools and hitting the record button and I was up and recording and mixing with nary a glitch for literally years

I can't really comment about Avid Customer support because I never had to use it

The few times I experienced any glitches,, 99% of time it was user error.. In fact the only real DAW base bug I have experienced was in PT version 2021.12 (Dec.2021) where My Avid Carbon interface would occasionally loose the Hardware setting when launching a new session with a different sample rate (forcing me to quit PT and relaunch to go to the new sample rate)
Which has now been fixed with this threads subject --- version 2022.4
Enjoy the Journey.... Kev...

KevWind at Soundcloud

KevWind at YouYube

System :
Studio system Avid Carbon interface , PT Ultimate 2023.12 -Mid 2020 iMac 27" 3.8GHz 8-core i7 10th Gen ,, Ventura 13.2.1

Mobile MBP M1 Pro , PT Ultimate 2024.3 Sonoma 14.4

Last edited by KevWind; 05-05-2022 at 08:07 AM.
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