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Old 12-31-2021, 09:27 AM
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KevWind KevWind is offline
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Location: Edge of Wilderness Wyoming
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Originally Posted by bfm612 View Post
Yes, she can play piano (and we have a piano at home) and so she sings over basic chords tends to build melodies off of that. That's her main instrument. And, yes, she just does the usual lo-fi bedroom songwriting for now. Nothing sophisticated.

No recording equipment, but I'll pick up a mic for the Tascam.

When I say "beats", it's not so much for keeping time but for creating simple beats (kick, snare, kick snare) so that the track won't be just vocals and piano.

As far as going DAWless, it's both tech limitations and tech-savviness limitations. She's only got a Chrome and we won't be buying a new laptop just for this, and I know her well enough, too, that too much complexity, flexibility, and options will be more of a barrier. Paradox of choice and all.
OK I don't have any specific recommendations but it looks like what you are looking for is an entry level digital keyboard, that has either line or instrument output (to go into the Tascam) that has some drum pattern options ....
And then it looks like you will also be looking for some headphones an analog a vocal mic (possibly condenser) and a mic stand.
Enjoy the Journey.... Kev...

KevWind at Soundcloud

KevWind at YouYube

System :
Studio system Avid Carbon interface , PT Ultimate 2023.12 -Mid 2020 iMac 27" 3.8GHz 8-core i7 10th Gen ,, Ventura 13.2.1

Mobile MBP M1 Pro , PT Ultimate 2024.3 Sonoma 14.4
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