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Old 01-26-2021, 11:25 AM
Cuki79 Cuki79 is offline
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Originally Posted by DakotaCovers View Post
Question, how do I quote just portions of other peoples posts rather than their entire posts when I reply?
I manually delete the text, maybe there is a better way but I don’t know it.

If you have the time this week end please record some 2-tracks (mic and pickup) of your guitars. I would be interested to make warmer IRs for those Taylor. Also I have only one X-braced Taylor in the database... that would be a nice addition.

One day, I should take the time to make an app to help people tune their IRs.

Like adding EQ, minimalise the phase (Tonedexter original character pot), or reduce room reverberation...

To Cole back to your question, I can’t say if the band pass filter came from the optima air or the mic signal chain (mixer/preamp) but it is there for sure.
Martin 00-18V Goldplus + internal mic (2003)
Martin OM-28V + HFN + internal mic (1999)
Eastman E6OM (2019) Trance Audio Amulet
Yamaha FGX-412 (1998)

Gibson Les Paul Standard 1958 Reissue (2013)
Fender Stratocaster American Vintage 1954 (2014)
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