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Old 03-25-2020, 08:51 AM
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IndianHillMike IndianHillMike is offline
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Originally Posted by ChuckEzell View Post
Question: Do you sand down to a certain grit before you start the pumice? I'm assuming I'll need to get it sanded down really well with a 1000 grit or more (maybe wet stand at some point) ? I've done electric guitar finishing but not much for acoustics ever other than basic touchups here and there.

Thanks again for all the input.

I wouldn't sand higher than 320 before filling. Ideally you will be left with a thin and even film of pumice after filling that can then be sanded away with either 320 or 400 before starting polishing. You can always fill again if (when) you sand through so it's a time consuming but relatively low-stakes job. Just make sure you don't have any residual swirl marks from the pumice before polishing!
Michael Kennedy Guitars
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