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Old 02-06-2020, 11:55 AM
jim1960 jim1960 is offline
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Originally Posted by KevWind View Post
The performance is impressive and if one is doing predominately audio, the stock graphics card would likely suffice and knock $2400 of the price of the machine in the article , plus there is rumored Apple option "in between" the bundled graphics and the Pro Vega. And for example for someone like me where I rarely have more than 8 to 12 tracks max and often less, perhaps the bundled 8 core processor may work great. Interesting to contemplate
Had it come out two years earlier, I'd likely have made the plunge. But as it sits, I have a 2018 iMac that I maxed out except for the ram which is at 32gb and last summer I built a top notch PC for everything else I do. Between the two, I have $6k invested. If two years earlier I'd sat down and done the math, the Mac Pro likely wins out since my personal philosophy is to invest in quality rather than cheap out.
2023 Iris ND-200 maple/adi
2017 Circle Strings 00 bastogne walnut/sinker redwood
2015 Circle Strings Parlor shedua/western red cedar
2009 Bamburg JSB Signature Baritone macassar ebony/carpathian spruce
2004 Taylor XXX-RS indian rosewood/sitka spruce
1988 Martin D-16 mahogany/sitka spruce

along with some electrics, zouks, dulcimers, and banjos.

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