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Old 01-08-2020, 08:21 PM
spock spock is offline
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Default For those so inclined, say a prayer for my dog *(Update)

Just got the pathology report back today and sadly cancer has returned to our sweet 11 year old cocker spaniel Maggie. We will meet with the vet soon to discuss options, none of which are good.

If I could design the perfect dog in terms of humbleness, loyalty, sweetness, amusement and just the right amount of playful mischief to keep things constantly interesting, this would be the dog.

For those so inclined, please take a moment and offer a silent prayer for Maggie.

Thank you - I do genuinely appreciate it.


Met with the veterinary oncologist today. Good news is lungs, lymph nodes and other bodily organs are clear and blood work is normal, meaning there seems not to have been any metastasis from the site of the tumor. Bad news is that the location of the tumor renders it essentially inoperable and radiation presents too much potential for secondary side effects and quality of life issues. Our best remaining option is chemotherapy and the oncologist is optimistic that at best we may be able to shrink the tumor some or at the very least keep it at bay and prevent it from spreading. No guarantees of course, but with scant other options we have decided to pursue that course of action.

Overall we consider the news a blessing as at least we have some hope of preserving this sweet girl's life a bit longer. Each and every day with Maggie in our lives has been a blessing and we will consider each and every day going forward the same, however many we are given. Thank you again for all of your prayers - I sincerely believe they help - and if the picture of this sweet, humble little black and white fur ball should come to mind in the future, please do pause for a moment and send some prayers of healing her way.

Last edited by spock; 01-14-2020 at 07:27 PM.
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