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Old 07-11-2019, 01:04 PM
leonski leonski is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 181

Some years ago, I got to try every hog dread in my local high end guitar store. They had a brand new D-18GE that stole the show from everything else including a couple of authentics. Other people in the store agreed. I don't as a rule buy new instruments, but that one was different. I went back two days later and it was gone.

Last month I came across a used GE at a really good price (sunburst too!) and pulled the trigger. Best guitar I ever played. My other one has a 1 11/16 nut width and it took me about 5 minutes to adapt. Whoever did the setup really knew their stuff because it plays like a dream.

I can see people with small hands might have a problem, but if the neck is setup right and the string height at the nut is correct, There will be no problems. Playing mine is effortless. Even with medium gauge strings it plays better than my SCGC D/PW. And that's really saying something!

When I got home I took it out and started playing, everyone came to look. The tone is amazing.

Last edited by leonski; 07-12-2019 at 10:42 AM.
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