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Old 05-26-2019, 11:55 AM
steelvibe steelvibe is offline
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Originally Posted by Captain Jim View Post
The Shorty and the X7 are both nice guitars. (My X7 is the previous generation.) .... The chunky neck was the only thing I didn't like about the guitar.

I bought the X7 a few years later, based on what I had read about it. I figured it would be an interesting travel guitar. What I didn't expect: I liked the tone of it better than the Shorty. I don't know how Emerald made a guitar that is physically smaller than the Shorty that sounds bigger. A fuller, richer sound.

After getting the X7, the Shorty didn't get played much. After getting an X20, I sold the Shorty.

Currently, 4 weeks in on a hip replacement (getting around with a cane), the X7 is still the guitar I pick up first.
Thanks so much Jim, I was hoping you would chime in here. I'm glad that your getting along after your surgery and have a guitar that fits the bill. It sounds like you and that X7 are attached at the hip !

I didn't mind the Shorty's neck except for when playing capo'd above the 4th fret (which I actually do on a couple songs I play). At that point I was only tolerating it and realizing that I probably needed to part with it.

One of the things I hear on the videos of the X7 1.0 is that it indeed does have great tone and I think I personally prefer it over the 2.0. Having the opportunity to A/B them in my lap could change my mind. I hear that videos are not the best way to gauge an instrument but I will say that when I bought the hard to find and test drive the Shorty, the videos (especially Jarvis' video at the Guitar Spa), is what drove me to find one. When I did finally have that guitar in my lap it was close to the tone of what I had in my head. Only now it was better because you can "feel" the instrument too. Coming from an electric background the feel of the first CF I ever put my hands on was instantaneously welcome. The neck and smooth solid edges felt so good! The same is true of the OF660- it is very close to what I hear in videos (except for how quiet the guitar actually is).

Another thing I loved about the Shorty was that it was only 4 lbs., and most of that was in the neck). I miss that! The OF660 is almost 6 lbs due to the neck joint. It has gorgeous warm tone but it really does lack volume. I'm looking at the Emeralds now because of their proprietary soundhole designs paired with the ergonomics. I'm guessing you can hear your X20 better than your X7 and not just because of the size of it.
Don't chase tone. Make tone.
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