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Old 05-12-2019, 07:56 AM
GuitarLuva GuitarLuva is offline
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Originally Posted by BongoSTL View Post
my bias: i hate elixir strings. can't stand the sound of them. sorry, elixir lovers.

I'm normally a loyal John Pearse user. But right before this guitar came I decided to try out Martin Retros (monels) on all of my guitars.

the x30 was too dark, too muddy in the middle, with poor note separation.

So I tried out a pack of Santa Cruz strings I had, and wow, a totally different instrument! They were the lights, but I'm interested in trying mediums, too, to see what that does to this carbon fiber top.

It's so much more balanced, with a complexity and lushness that almost feels like a 12 string at times.

I think I'm done with my Retro experiment. I'm going to trying Straight Up Strings next...
It's always fun to experiment with strings. I found the X30 to take different strings and string gauges very well, the X20 not so much. Once you get past the string break in period that's when you can really tell. I ended up having to go back to light gauge 80/20 on the X20. Lots of string choices out there. Unlike you I do like Elixir strings but I'm trying to deviate from coated strings.
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