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Old 01-16-2019, 02:17 PM
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Originally Posted by ii Cybershot ii View Post
I use .88 Tortex picks and put clear high-gloss tape on them. This stuff is the best stickiness for me, way better than any texture or sandpaper-esque stuff they put on picks. I used to use "cool" picks, they have a variety of textures, but still not sticky enough!

Cyber, this is close to what I do.

I started doing this about thirty years ago; I don't remember why. I suspect I read about it in an interview with someone like Tony Rice. Anyway, it's easy, fast, and cheap cheap cheap. Did I say it was cheap?

Take a spool of white cotton medical tape and tear off about an inch, let lay it along both sides of the pick sticky side down against the pick face, like this:

It does two things:
1) It remains sticky for quite a long time. When it gets old, just peel off and replace.
2) More importantly, it absorbs the oils and sweat from you fingers; the cotton acts as a whisk to accomplish this.

BTW, make sure the tape is 100% COTTON. They have these cheap ones now that are polyester or something. 100% cotton gives it the absorption you need.

Looks stupid? Sounds stupid? Try it and see if it doesn't work.

Scott Memmer
[email protected]
Celebrating Seven Years in Business!
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