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Old 01-14-2019, 02:38 PM
Monsum Monsum is offline
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Originally Posted by Petty1818 View Post
Hmm, I would not have thought of that. I might give that a try. I also have some of the Amulet M tape left over that I might try as it's even thinner. I think Sprucetop once mentioned that he had issues with the HFN in that the three feet did not all fully attach as the bridge plate was not completely flat. I wonder if this is why Schatten moved to the abs base. Maybe it's more consistent or can be a bit more flexible.
I've just tried it and reinstalled the pickup. Yes, I got a perfect balance between the strings but it changed the tone completely and not for the better. It sounds harsh now, looking at a frequency analyser it lost high end and there is too much mids at around 1.8 and 2kHz.
I'd love to have the tone from the first installation and string balance from the second. I'll keep experimenting with the position of the pickup. I still have enough adhesive tape for 3 installations.
Any ideas where I should try to move it next?
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