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Old 08-14-2018, 07:08 PM
Zandit75 Zandit75 is offline
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Originally Posted by colins View Post
My wife got into karate a while back and she thinks the best training for it was the judo she had learnt as a kid, because it taught her how to fall safely!

Good luck with your recovery.
Thanks Colin, most appreciated.
I first started martial arts back in my 20's when I spent about 10yrs working my way up to a black belt in Viet Vo, which is a Vietnamese style of kickboxing. I took about 10-12yrs off due to moving towns because of work, and just got too lazy. This particular style did not do any ground work including rolls or throws, so falling safely was never really learned. We also didn't train on padded surfaces, so we avoided falling at all costs!

Last year I finally got off my butt and found a new gym nearby who had a lot of similar style punches and kicks, but also a great group of people, and I'm now working my way through the belts of Wing Chung Kung Fu. We also incorporate a lot of Brazilian Jujitsu, which is pretty much all ground work, wrestling, chokes and arm/leg locks etc. It's been a steep learning curve, and I'm still no where near as flexible as I used to be(probably never will be!!), I just take it easy with the close contact stuff.

My main concern in regards to the course is the amount of walking I'll be doing. I won't have transportation except for buses when they are running, but my accommodation is about 800mtrs from the workshop, and all supermarkets/food outlets etc are all within walking distance. No doubt I'll b on my feet all day in the workshop also, so all the recovery I can do between now and the 10th of September will be helpful.

Just got to keep at it!!
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