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Old 06-25-2018, 11:56 AM
zenith zenith is offline
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Originally Posted by Captain Jim View Post
Since the third part of the quote above was to me, I’ll answer it: I haven’t seen a glossy woody with the Crystal Ice back and sides, but I would imagine it would look just fine. Having an Opus, I appreciate the difference between the solid overall color (black) and the texture on the front and back. Maybe it is a part of my “wood upbringing,” where guitars often had a different look to the top and B/S.

The Emerald woodies are spectacular, and to my eye, are set off nicely with the overall gloss.

That said, I really appreciate that Emerald works with their buyers to get each person what they want. What I like may not be what you want, but we can each have our ideal. The combination of having some guitars “in stock” and their ability to make you just what you want is only one of the things that puts Emerald a step above in my book.
I have a woody with a gloss top and crystal ice back and sides. They had no problem doing it and I definitely prefer it. They advise against a crystal ice top, but that was about it. With the woody top, the back and sides are going to look different anyway, so it doesn't really look any more odd.
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