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Old 02-12-2015, 03:42 PM
Sam VanLaningham Sam VanLaningham is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Bend, Oregon
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Ok, wow-this build process reminds me of getting a PhD.....challenging and rewarding and never ending! Love it.

Here are pics before finish.

I used water soluble aniline dye and rubbed in a sunburst. I figure it might look pretty good when I add finish since the dyed approach can look pretty nasty before finish then come alive after. I'm excited. I also used a stewmac tutorial on bindjng scraping ( that worked really well for my first time. Note I actually went through process twice because the first time around I put light marks on englemann top whilst going around....just from thumb pressure. So I took it real easy after sanding, and rebursting.

I'll still be amazed if this thing stays together under tension. The sides have basically been reliced with all the patches etc. But glad I'm persevering.


L00 before finish by samvanlan, on Flickr

L00 before finish by samvanlan, on Flickr

L00 before finish by samvanlan, on Flickr
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