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Old 10-25-2014, 11:13 PM
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Doug Young Doug Young is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Mountain View, CA
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I'm actually doubtful of the need for different mics. The difference between mics is very subtle - ok if you're fine tuning, looking to turn a 99% recording into a 99.9% one, but it's not going to make a night and day difference in most cases. You'll get a bigger difference from new strings, or a different brand of strings, or moving your hand an inch, or moving the mic an inch, or changing the room you record in.

I know this is controversial - every time it comes up, some people swear there are HUGE differences between mics, preamps, etc. I hear differences, but I'd call them subtle relative to other things you can do. Of course, the more things you try the more you learn, but I'd try to borrow or at least make sure you can return anything you buy. Otherwise you can easily end up with a big pile of mics that all sound pretty much the same :-)
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