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Old 07-13-2014, 09:15 PM
Aaron Smith Aaron Smith is offline
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Originally Posted by Teleman52 View Post
Well you have a 51 gibson lg2 so you must be pretty smart, I'll trust you

Question: how do you feel about note markers/ tapes for frets? Did you use them? I'm a little torn as to whether I will or not.

I'm really feeling a lot more confident this time since I know quite a few songs on the mandolin. The first go around I had never even heard these songs, I just knew that was the style I wanted to play, but I didn't know what to actually play. I don't think I even tried to play any songs during the short time I had my previous fiddle. This time I have a lot of material in my head to work with.

I'm actually hoping to make this my main instrument, that's the big goal for me
Ha! Fine instruments those 50's LG-2's. One of the best kept secrets in vintage guitars if you ask me. Mine is off at Randy Wood's having the neck reset, can't wait to get it back.

I never used the tape fretboard markers. I think if you understand intuitively how fingering works, with the intervals getting smaller as you go up the fingerboard, then the tape shouldn't be necessary. I think you'll eventually get to good pitch faster if you don't get used to the crutch of the fingerboard markers. And like a guitar, after a while your fingers just sort of know where to go.

Of all the instruments, the violin sounds the worst when you're learning it. Not only are you often playing out of pitch while you're learning, and making scratchy/squealing noises, but violins are LOUD. However, once you pass a certain point, they offer something that no other instrument can. It is the most expressive instrument on earth; the dynamic range, the ability to change attack and sustain, and the ability to vibrato and approach notes... can't be found on another instrument. While it can be difficult and frustrating, it is also an incredible amount of fun. I'm probably playing violin 80% of the time these days.

Also, being in Texas, you're a part of a fine fiddle/violin tradition. I'm sure you already know about Bob Wills, but when you want your mind blown head out to YouTube and check out Johnny Gimble. He's my favorite player of all time.

1943 Gibson J-45
Martin Custom Shop 000-28 Authentic Aged 1937
Voyage Air VAOM-4
IBG Epiphone J-200 Aged Antique
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