Thread: Whisper Room
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Old 06-17-2014, 09:13 AM
Joseph Hanna Joseph Hanna is offline
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Originally Posted by KevWind View Post
So Joseph couple of questions do you know which size room you were in and was there any feeling of claustrophobia ?

Just asking because it looks like by the time you get up to say a 5X7 base model you are into $6k
Yes I know these things can get expensive. I had a brief discussion with the head of our tech department and he mentioned the price jumped pretty dramatically once they figured out all of the options they felt they needed. I'll see if I can get some details while not seemingly prying into whatever top-secret project the booth is actually intended for. I dunno yet what size this thing is. I'll certainly find out and let you know. That said I didn't feel squeezed at all. It is currently however an empty booth. I know there was some local studio carpenters at the facility measuring for a podium, so it will get smaller.

Originally Posted by KevWind View Post
And then the other question is I'm guessing your also saying that compared to trying to have a big pro designed room (big bucks). That something like this and some good plugins for reverb delay etc would be a viable alternative that you yourself would use ?
Yes. I guess all things considered and since I don't have a massive amount of disposable money for a million dollar room, this is the absolute best solution I've run across. Understand however I'm a big fan of way, way upfront guitar sounds and although this pulls the guitar up close and personal it is also bone dry. I love good reverbs and will always have my Lexicons somewhere in the mix of things. I do not however think the reverbs (even great ones) will ever replace the sound of a great room. They are (reverbs-vs-rooms) two very different beasts for me. I suspect the recording will end up sounding "bone dry" with reverb. That's ok by me though. Still and for the home guy this solves so many nasty problems it's just difficult to ignore and in the face of all the talk of expensive mic's, pre-amps, converters ect I wanted to note that this booth makes for (at least for me) a massive leap forward in tone.
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