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Old 05-28-2014, 03:44 PM
Matt.S Matt.S is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2014
Posts: 217

It'll pass! I suppose the length of time depends on the cost of the guitar.

When I first bought my Breedlove a few months ago I nicked it changing the strings

When I bought what I considered my new beater - which I actually fell in love with and haven't played my other guitars in probably a month - I was lifting it over a chair in my room off the stand and straight into the ceiling fan... Then later that week my stand tipped over and the neck ended up hitting the computer chair, I braced the fall for the most part but there was still a ding on the neck that I could feel everytime I played. In about a week I didn't really gravitate my eyes to either of the dings.

I guess what it came down to for me was that nothing could be done so I belted out my curse words, poured a stiff drink, and played the thing even harder haha.
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