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Old 12-29-2013, 10:16 PM
Dave T Dave T is offline
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Originally Posted by Trevor B. View Post
For me the real pioneers of the modern "classical guitar" (generic nomenclature here) are luthier Antonio Torres (1817-1892) and composer Francisco Tarrega (1852-1909).
I cite these two because most of the classical guitars built today still incorporate proportions, bracing and construction features developed by Torres as well as the pared down approach to inlay and decoration he practiced. Torres really is the father of the modern guitar in terms of guitar construction. Tarrega is to modern playing what Torres is to the luthier's art. He developed the idiomatic style which incorporates apoyando (rest stroke), glissandi and slides that function as ligados, and a host of hammer on and pull off effects that were considered at least gauche and even unacceptable in the classical period. Its just my opinion but I believe that without Torres and Tarrega we would never have had Segovia, Bream, Williams, or Russell. and that would have been tragic.
Right on, plus 1, bravo, hit the nail on the flat part! Any other cliches I an add in support of this post?

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