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Old 07-03-2012, 06:50 PM
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Originally Posted by alohachris View Post
.......that you made a recording of your music using a 2020?
No, I have good gear, so I use it. This is just an example of what the expected range of difference might be between 2 condenser mics. Certainly some mics exhibit other differences. I have posted recordings with the 2020's and a Zoom H4n. I thought they sounded fine. I'm sure the Brauner's would sound good thru the H4n, too. Good gear helps, but it's not the only thing that matters in a recording. Probably not even the most important thing.

I totally agree that room treatment will make a bigger difference to the OP than upgrading gear at this point.
Exactly, that's my only point. Reading the internet, you get the idea that certain things make HUGE differences, that are actually pretty small relative to everything else. I wish I could find that Dave Moulton article on how things can look like molehills from one perspective and mountains from another, and how hard it is to keep them straight. I totally agree, *everything* matters - good gear makes a difference, how you use it makes an even bigger difference. But in this case in particular, Bob has a couple of big problems that the difference between even the most dramatically different mics isn't going to solve. You have to solve the big problems. Until you get rid of the mountains changing molehills won't help much.
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