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Old 07-02-2012, 06:00 PM
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Doug Young Doug Young is offline
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Originally Posted by moon View Post
They are another thing which makes a difference - sometimes, I would argue, quite a large difference. There are lots of inexpensive mics which will never give you a decent, natural sound no matter what you do with them. I think it's important to choose a mic carefully.
I'd hope no one buys a mic that will never give a decent sound on anything - I imagine those would have a pretty limited market!

But in this scenario, is there any mic - no matter how great - that will get rid of his humidifier noise? And will any mic choice make a bigger difference in the final recording than just fixing that? It's all a matter of *relative* importance. Fix the big problems first, then spend hours trying to eek the last percent of improvement out of different mics - which gets expensive, as I well know :-) There are so many variables in recording, mic choice is just one. Everything matters, but not everything matters the same amount, so I'd suggest starting with where you can make the greatest gain. If that's a different mic, then great, its just a matter of buying the right one. But if there are bigger problems to solve, go after them first.
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