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Old 01-26-2012, 01:36 AM
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Doug Young Doug Young is offline
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Originally Posted by DarkestDreaming View Post
Also, i dont use most of the plug-ins described in your video and when I full-screen it I cant see the parameters as it is rather pixelated. I guess thats secondary anyway since most of it is experimenting anyway, like you mentioned.
If you watch in HD (1080p) and expand to full screen, you should see the same resolution as was on my screen, 1920x1280. It's an exact replica, right down to scale and resolution of my screen. There are thousands of plugins, so yes, you'd have to extrapolate to whatever you have. Same with the DAW. But I'm not doing much that's very fancy here, and for solo fingerstyle guitar, I think that's typical - mixing of a single solo guitar track is pretty straightforward. Most of these effects, and most DAWs are more or less the same as far as controls go. Reverb times, compression thresholds, EQs. There are enough of these plugins that anyone you talk to is likely to use something different. But the concepts are the same.

I'd say "listening" might be a better word than experimenting. That's pretty much the story of the mastering part as well. Listen carefully and try to figure out how to improve anything you don't like. Hopefully, if you've done the tracking part right, there won't be much you don't like, so there's nothing to do but perhaps add a little reverb.

Last edited by Doug Young; 01-26-2012 at 01:42 AM.
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