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Old 01-25-2012, 05:25 PM
sdelsolray sdelsolray is offline
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Originally Posted by Gazzamundo View Post
I bought the Audient specifically for the fact that it had the SPDIF and would practically bypass the Alesis - I did plenty of research! I think the io26 is still very good for the money, but am expecting the Audient to sound noticeably better. Or at least make me feel that what I'm hearing is better!

I'm keeping the io26 coz I like it, it works and has plenty of input and output options. For example, I used all 8 mic inputs to record a four piece band (me on vocals and guitar). However, for my own solo stuff, I'll just be recording through the Audient (albeit via the io26's SPDIF in and firewire out).

And guys, if you read the original post, I said I'm happy with my room acoustics and my mic and monitors are semi-pro standard (mic and monitors both cost around a grand a piece in your USD). Which is where I came in, asking if it is worth spending the money on a fairly high quality mic pre. "Your resulting signal is only as good as its weakest link" we all know is true, I felt the mic pres on the Alesis were a weak link.

I'll come back soon and let you know/hear how I'm getting on. But a sincere thanks to all of you for your input - AGF is the only forum worth hanging around in.

I do pretty much the same thing. I use an outboard 8 channel AD and DA converter and outboard preamps. I spent many years tweaking the front end - trying different mics, preamps and converters. I'm pretty set now. My Digi003, a decent enough interface with a ton of features, was merely a dongle to (i) allow use of ProTools and (ii) do the protocol conversion between ADAT and Firewire. Now, with ProTools 10, the first function is no longer needed. I'm waiting for a AES/EBU to Thunderbolt protocol converter before I can retire the Digi003.

Good luck with the Audient. I've heard some good things about them, although I've never tried any of their products.
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