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Old 05-31-2010, 04:39 PM
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riorider riorider is offline
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Central Rural Oklahoma, off old Route 66
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Jenn - you'll love the BAM case. I bought the padded "overcase" as well (you simply cannot call it a "case cover" - this thing is about 1.5-2" thick all over!). I don't know if using the additional case is needed most of the time, but I think you could actually ship it or fly with it under the plane (as well as use it for an all-nighter at the Greyhound depot!).

The carbon fiber case, though, is wondrously light and sturdy. Really nice.

(( KIII - ha. I think that's the Bm from "Puff"... and as my son plays more and better than I, I'm sure the young'un is well beyond his first barre chord!! ))

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